
Version: 2.0.0

Nessus is a remote security scanning tool, which scans a computer and raises an alert if it discovers any vulnerabilities that malicious hackers could use to gain access to any computer you have connected to a network. It does this by running over 1200 checks on a given computer, testing to see if any of these attacks could be used to break into the computer or otherwise harm it.

Connect Nessus with LogicHub

  1. Navigate to Automations > Integrations.
  2. Search for Nessus.
  3. Click Details, then the + icon. Enter the required information in the following fields.
    • Label: Enter a connection name.
    • Reference Values: Define variables here to templatize integration connections and actions. For example, you can use https://www.{{hostname}}.com where, hostname is a variable defined in this input. For more information on how to add data, see 'Add Data' Input Type for Integrations.
    • Verify SSL: Select option to verify connecting server's SSL certificate (Default is Verify SSL Certificate).
    • Remote Agent: Run this integration using the LogicHub Remote Agent.
    • URL: URL to your Nessus instance. Example: '' or 'https://x.x.x.x:8834'.
    • Access Key: Access key for Nessus. Visit '/#/settings/my-account/api-keys' to generate keys.
    • Secret Key: Secret key for Nessus.
  4. After you've entered all the details, click Connect.

Actions for Nessus

List Scans

Lists Nessus Scans.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
FolderSelect folder where the scans you want to list are stored.Optional
Last Modification DateLimit the results to those scans that have only changed since the specified time. Enter epoch seconds (UNIX Timestamp).Optional


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of Scan details

Scan Status

Gets the status for a scan (completed, aborted, imported, pending, running, resuming, canceling, canceled, pausing, paused, stopping, stopped).

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan to retrieve.Required


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan status:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • status: completed/aborted/imported/pending/running/resuming/canceling/cancelled/pausing/paused/stopping/stopped

Scan Details

Gets detail for the given scan.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan to retrieve.Required
History IDSelect column that contains the historical ID of the historical data that should be returned.Optional
LimitSpecify the maximum number of hosts that should be returned.Optional


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of scan details.

Scan Host Details

Gets detail for the given scan host.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan to retrieve.Required
Host IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan host to retrieve.Required
History IDSelect column that contains the historical ID of the historical data that should be returned.Optional


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan host details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of scan host details.

Launch Scan

Launches a Scan identified by Scan ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan to launch.Required
Alternative TargetsSelect column that contains comma-separated alternative targets to scan. If specified, these targets will be scanned instead of the default.Optional


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan UUID:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • scan_uuid: string

List Scan Templates

Lists Tenable-provided scan templates. Tenable provides a number of scan templates to facilitate the creation of scans and scan policies.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Template TypeSelect the type of templates to retrieve Scan/Policy.Required


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan templates:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of scan template.

Template Details

Gets detail for the given scan template.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Template TypeSelect the type of templates to retrieve Scan/Policy.Required
Template UUIDSelect a column that contains the UUID of the template.Required


A JSON object containing multiple rows of scan template details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of template details.

Create Scan

Creates a Nessus Scan. A minimum set of inputs to create a basic scan is asked directly. For advanced usage, use the Raw Configuration input.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Template UUIDSelect column that contains UUID of the editor template to use.Optional
Settings: NameEnter the jinja-templated name of the Scan. Example: 'Vuln Scan V{{index_column}}'Optional
Settings: EnabledSelect (True/False) whether to enable the schedule for the scan.Optional
Settings: TargetsSelect column that contains comma-separated targets to scan.Optional
Raw ConfigurationJinja-templated JSON configuration for creating the scan. Use this if you want to provide extra Settings or when you're using an editor template and it is required that all fields returned in Template Details must be sent. Using this field will discard the above inputs. (Refer: /api#/resources/scans/create).Optional


  "uuid": "{{template_uuid}}",
  "settings": {
    "name": "{{name}}",
    "description": "{{description}}",
    "emails": "{{emails}}",
    "enabled": "true",
    "folder_id": "{{folder_id}}",
    "policy_id": "{{policy_id}}",
    "scanner_id": "{{scanner_id}}",
    "text_targets": "{{targets}}",
    "agent_group_id": []


A JSON object containing created scan details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of created scan details.


    "scan": {
        "creation_date": {integer},
        "custom_targets": {string},
        "default_permisssions": {integer},
        "description": {string},
        "emails": {string},
        "id": {integer},
        "last_modification_date": {integer},
        "name": {string},
        "notification_filter_type": {string},
        "notification_filters": {string},
        "owner": {string},
        "owner_id": {integer},
        "policy_id": {integer},
        "enabled": {boolean},
        "rrules": {string},
        "scanner_id": {integer},
        "shared": {integer},
        "starttime": {string},
        "tag_id": {integer},
        "timezone": {string},
        "type": {string},
        "user_permissions": {integer},
        "uuid": {string}

Scan Export Create

Creates an export request for the given scan. Use the Scan Report Download action to download the report upon completion.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan to export.Required
History IDSelect column that contains the historical ID of the historical data that should be exported.Optional
FormatSelect file format to use Nessus/HTML/CSV/DB.Required
PasswordSelect column containing the password that will be used to encrypt database (DB) exports. In case if it is not specified or a blank column-value is encountered, a random password will be used.Optional
Additional ConfigurationProvide jinja-templated additional configuration for filters or formatting options. (Refer: /api#/resources/scans/export-request).Optional


A JSON object containing export details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • other keys of export details.

Scan Export Status

Check the file status of an exported scan.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains the ID of the scan to export.Required
File IDSelect column that contains the ID of the file (got in Export Create Action).Required


A JSON object containing export status:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • status: {string}

Scan Report Download

Downloads the exported scan report.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Scan IDSelect column that contains I=D of the scan to export.
File IDSelect column that contains the ID of the file (got in Export Create Action).
File ExtensionEnter extension name of the file. For example: xml, html, csv, db.Optional
Poll DurationMaximum duration to poll in seconds for 'ready' status of a scan report (per row). (Default is 0 seconds, that is, Don't poll).Optional
RetriesNumber of retries to make in poll duration per row. (Default is 0 retries).Optional


A JSON object containing exported report file details:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • lhub_file_id: {string}