Get data from baseline batches for specified dates
Read all data from the baseline whose specified column (or batch start/end time) falls within the specified dates. Compare with filterBaselineTable, which filters batches by intervals relative to the most recent batch.
The fourth argument is optional: if specified, it is the name of the column to use to perform the filtering. If it is missing, then we return all the data from the batches whose start/end time intersect with the boundaries.
Note: this operator is not a generic operator that works on any type of data, it uses specific data (table) that is generated by the baseline playbook.
Note: BatchStartTime is automatically calculated based on the time-frame in the playbook or the stream time-frame. Also, the off-set is in milliseconds so simply add 3 zero's to the second number to get milliseconds.
Operator Usage in Easy Mode
- Click + on the parent node.
- Enter the Filter Baseline Table by Time operator in the search field and select the operator from the Results to open the operator form.
- In the Select Baseline drop-down, enter or select the baseline to pull data from.
- Optional fields
- Start Time: Enter an offset time or a specific start time to pull the data from. Offset time
allows you to set time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks; Specific time allows you to
select the date and time. - End Time: Enter an offset time or a specific end time to pull the data from. Offset time allows
you to set time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks; Specific time allows you to select
the date and time.
- Start Time: Enter an offset time or a specific start time to pull the data from. Offset time
- Optional fields
- Click Run to view the result.
- Click Save to add the operator to the playbook.
- Click Cancel to discard the operator form.
Usage Details
filterBaselineTableByTime(baselineTable, "BatchStartTime", "BatchEndTime")
filterBaselineTableByTime(baselineTable, "1521078000000", "1521078300000")
filterBaselineTableByTime(baselineTable, "BatchStartTime-100000", "BatchEndTime")
filterBaselineTableByTime(baselineTable, "BatchStartTime-100000", "BatchEndTime", "lhub_ts")
-- Note: BatchStartTime and BatchEndTime refers to the start/end time of the current "query" (or stream batch if you are running the playbook to compute a stream batch, hence the name). In another simple words, it means the current start and end time of the playbook.
Updated over 1 year ago