Create and Edit Users

To create a new user:

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management on left navigation and select Users tab.
  2. Click New User on the upper-right corner
    • Enter User Name to uniquely identify the user
    • Enter the user's Email address
    • In Add to Groups choose one or more user groups to assign the user to.
      • Groups determine the user's access to LogicHub entities such as playbooks and dashboards. For instructions on creating user groups, see Create User Groups
    • Choose an authentication option
      • The password option is available for all users. If your organization uses a Single Sign ON (SSO) Setup for authentication, configure those settings before setting up users.
  3. After you've finished filling out all of the fields, click Save.
    • The user account is created successfully. If the password option was selected, an auto-generated password is displayed. Copy the password and provide it to the user. The user will be prompted to change the password upon initial sign-in.

To edit the user:

  1. On the User listing page, click on the three dots on the right-hand corner of the page and select Edit.
  2. Choose to modify the fields and click Save.

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