Microsoft Graph

Version: 3.13.0

Microsoft Graph is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph provides a unified programmability model that you can use to take advantage of the tremendous amount of data in Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Windows 10.

Connect Microsoft Graph with LogicHub

  1. Navigate to Automations > Integrations.
  2. Search for Microsoft Graph.
  3. Click Details, then the + icon. Enter the required information in the following fields.
    • Label: Enter a connection name.
    • Reference Values: Define variables here to templatize integration connections and actions. For example, you can use https://www.{{hostname}}.com where, hostname is a variable defined in this input. For more information on how to add data, see 'Add Data' Input Type for Integrations.
    • Verify SSL: Select option to verify connecting server's SSL certificate (Default is Verify SSL Certificate).
    • Remote Agent: Run this integration using the LogicHub Remote Agent.
    • Tenant ID: Tenant ID of the app created in Azure Active Directory.
    • Client ID: Client ID of the app created in Azure Active Directory.
    • Client Secret: Client secret of the app created in Azure Active Directory.
  4. After you've entered all the details, click Connect.

Permission Notes

  • For Some actions (Example: Get managed device by MAC address), An admin user needs to grant admin consent to the 'DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All' and 'DeviceManagementManagedDevices. ReadWrite.All' permissions. Applications are authorized to call managed device data when they are granted permissions by an admin user as part of the consent process ("Grant Admin consent for Active_Directory").
  • Some actions need work or school account.
  • Application Permissions (if available) will be applied as LogicHub uses OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant method. For more information click here. Reference image:

Actions for Microsoft Graph

List Users

Users are the representation of an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) user account. This action retrieves a list of user objects.
Permission Required(Application): User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Select QueryColumn name from parent table containing the select query to filters properties (Default is no filter). Example 'displayName,givenName'Optional


Return a list of JSON objects, each of which represents a user.

Figure 1


Fig 1

Get User

Users are the representation of an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) user account. This action retrieves the properties and relationships of the user object.
Permission Required(Application): User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required
Select QueryColumn name from parent table containing the select query to filters properties (Default is no filter). Example 'displayName,givenName'Optional


Return the user object in JSON format corresponding to a given user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).

Figure 2


Fig 2

Delete User

Users are the representation of an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) user account. This action deletes the user.
Permission Required(Application): User.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


Return a JSON with no error on successful deletion as shown in Fig 3.

Figure 3


Fig 3

Get User's Manager

Returns the user or contact assigned as the user's manager.
Permission Required(Application): User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


Return the user or contract if the manager exists as shown in Fig 4 else error with the message as shown in Fig 5.

Figure 4


Fig 4

Figure 5


Fig 5

Get User's Direct Reports

Returns the users and contacts for whom this user is assigned as manager.
Permission Required(Application): User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


Return a JSON object whose value field contains the list of users and contacts for whom the given user is assigned as manager.

Figure 6


Fig 6

List messages (Deprecated)

Get the messages in the signed-in user's mailbox (including the Deleted Items and Clutter folders).
Permission Required(Application): Mail.ReadBasic.All, Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required
Custom OData queryJinja templated custom OData query to retrieve a list of messages.
Refer to construct a valid OData query.
Example: $filter=subject eq '{{subject_column}}' and from/emailAddress/address eq '{{sender_email_column}}'&$top=5. (Default is no filter).
Number of messages to be fetchedNumber of messages to be fetched (Default 10).Optional


Return a list of message objects. The value field in JSON will contain a list of messages. In the below screenshot, there are zero messages corresponding to a given user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).

Figure 7


Fig 7

Get Message

Retrieve the properties and relationships of a message object.
Permission Required(Application): Mail.ReadBasic.All, Mail.Read

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Message's unique identifier (ID)Message's unique identifier (ID).Required
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


Return a message object in JSON format corresponding to the given message ID and user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).

Delete Message

This action deletes a message.
Permission Required(Application): Mail.ReadWrite

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Message's unique identifier (ID)Message's unique identifier (ID).Required
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


Return a JSON with no error on successful deletion.

Block Messages

Blocks Messages/Mails received from specified email addresses. Sends them to the "Junk Email" folder.
Permission Required(Application): MailboxSettings.ReadWrite

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required
Email addresses to blockJinja-templated comma-separated email addresses to block receiving an email from.Required
Rule NameJinja-templated rule name to assign to the configured rule that blocks messages/emails from specified email addresses.Required


Return a JSON with details of the Rule that'll block messages.

List Security Alerts

This action lists security alerts.
Permission Required(Application): SecurityEvents.Read.All, SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Jinja Template for Custom OData queryJinja template for custom OData query to retrieve a list of alerts (Default is no filter).
Example: $filter={{property_column}} eq '{{property_value_column}}'&$top=5 .
For more OData query parameters click here.


Return a list of security alerts.

Get Security Alert

This action gets a security alert.
Permission Required(Application): SecurityEvents.Read.All, SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Microsoft Graph AlertId Column nameColumn name from parent table containing Microsoft Graph Alert ID.Required


Return a security alert object in a JSON format corresponding to the given alert ID.

Update Security Alert

This action updates the security alert.
Permission Required(Application): SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Microsoft Graph AlertId Column nameColumn name from parent table containing Microsoft Graph Alert ID.Required
Query TemplateQuery Template in JSON format referencing the inputs table columns by {{column_name}}.Required


Return an updated security alert object in JSON format, if the update is successful.

List Directory Audit Logs

Gets the list of audit logs generated by Azure Active Directory.
Permission Required(Application): AuditLog.Read.All and Directory.Read.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Query Filter TemplateJinja-templated query parameter to retrieve just a subset of a collection.
Example {{query_column}}.
TopSets the number of items in each result. It is used in the pagination of results.Optional


Return a list of JSON where each JSON representing the audit log generated by Azure Active Directory.


Fig 8

Get Directory Audit Log

Get a specific Azure Active Directory audit log item.
Permission Required(Application): AuditLog.Read.All and Directory.Read.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Microsoft Graph Directory Audit Column nameColumn name from parent table containing directory audit log ID.Required


Return an audit log object in JSON format corresponding to the given directory audit log ID.


Fig 9

Get Managed Device by MAC Address

Get a managed device (properties and relationships) by MAC address.
Permission Required(Application): DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
MAC Address Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the MAC address of the managed device.Required


Return a managed device object in JSON format corresponding to the given MAC Address.

List Managed Devices

List properties and relationships of the managed devices and supports custom OData query.
Permission Required(Application): DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Jinja Template for Custom OData queryJinja template for custom OData query to retrieve a list of devices (Default is no filter). Example: $filter={{property_column}} eq '{{property_value_column}}'&$top=5. For more OData query parameters click here.Required


Return a list of devices.

Send Message

Send message.
Permission Required(Application): Mail.Send

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id).Required
Mail RecipientsJinja-templated text containing comma separated email ids.Required
Mail SubjectJinja-templated text string containing the mail subject.Required
TypeSelect type of email body (Default is Plain Text) Name",
Mail BodyJinja-templated string containing the mail body.Required
CC on outbound e-mailJinja-templated comma separated email ids, which would be added to cc of the emailOptional
BCCJinja-templated comma separated email ids, which would be added to bcc of the email. Example ','Optional
AttachmentJinja-templated string containing one or more file IDs to attachment. (Can be a comma separated string of lhub_file_id values or a json dict in the format of {"<lhub_id>":"<file_name>"})Optional
Attachment file extensionJinja-templated text. If no file name is provided, add this extension to attached files.Optional


JSON containing following items:

  "recipients": [
  "date_sent": "2022-05-16 13:19:01 UTC",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null,
  "msg": "E-mail sent successfully",
  "cc": "",
  "attachments": []

Move Message

Move a message to another folder within the specified user's mailbox. This creates a new copy of the message in the destination folder and removes the original message.
Permission Required(Application): Mail.ReadWrite

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id).Required
Email message IDJinja-templated text containing the ID of the message. Example: {{id}}Required
Destination Folder NameJinja-templated text containing the name of the destination folder.Required


JSON containing following items:

  "has_error": false,
  "result": "Successfully moved e-mails to folder: upper folder",
  "error": null

List Messages

Get the messages of a user via User ID or Principal Name (including the Deleted Items and Clutter folders).
Permission Required(Application): Mail.ReadBasic.All, Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id).Required
Mailbox FolderJinja-templated Path & name of the folder from which to pull email messages (typically Inbox)Optional
Query Filter TemplateJinja-templated query parameter to retrieve just a subset of a collection. Example {{query_column}}Optional
Mark ReadAutomatically mark messages read when they are pulled by LogicHub (Default is False)Optional
Unread OnlyPull only unread messages (Default is False)Optional
Download attachmentsAutomatically download all attachments with the mail. (Default False)Optional
Number of messages to be fetchedJinja-templated text containing the number of messages to be fetched. It'll override $top provided in "Custom OData query" (Default is 10 messages if it is not provided in "Custom OData query" also)Optional


JSON containing following items:

  "attachment_count": 2,
  "attachments": [
      "content_type": "image/png",
      "file_name": "Screenshot 2022-05-09 at 10.59.01 AM.png",
      "hash_md5": "e0932a256500bdea71195548f00b",
      "hash_sha1": "faadf45b94385e11e7bdc507d3d8943575f8",
      "hash_sha256": "5458062b29b094fb16d728c482ca1b8b588674783f2b5c35cb33b6b807",
      "lhub_file_id": "7ffa875650414b8d8fd2de0abe4",
      "size": 23544
      "content_type": "image/png",
      "file_name": "Screenshot 2022-05-09 at 11.26.27 AM.png",
      "hash_md5": "aca46825dff6181cda18b82c9b",
      "hash_sha1": "6a6ec705baa5c0edcca2e4cc5d43cdb9b39",
      "hash_sha256": "035be23d50c1c15245687f62a4ffa197c345ff3afb59d167a9a782bc73d",
      "lhub_file_id": "9c2fdbc81e2d4745a7d067b31f1",
      "size": 21893
  "body": "<html><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body><div dir=\"ltr\">Hi,<div><br></div><div>PFA.<br clear=\"all\"><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir=\"ltr\" class=\"gmail_signature\"><div dir=\"ltr\"><div><div dir=\"ltr\">Thanks,<div>Indrajeet</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>",
  "body_html": "<html><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body><div dir=\"ltr\">Hi,<div><br></div><div>PFA.<br clear=\"all\"><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir=\"ltr\" class=\"gmail_signature\"><div dir=\"ltr\"><div><div dir=\"ltr\">Thanks,<div>Indrajeet</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>",
  "body_text": "Hi,\n\n  \n\nPFA.  \n\n  \n\n\\--  \n\nThanks,\n\nIndrajeet\n\n",
  "body_type": "HTML",
  "categories": [],
  "changekey": "CQAAABYAAACJG/25+WUFRIgXSi/IudxUAAOCU5iA",
  "date_received": "2022-05-16T12:18:44Z",
  "date_sent": "2022-05-16T12:18:28Z",
  "error": null,
  "from": [
      "email": "",
      "name": "Indrajeet Sah"
  "has_error": false,
  "headers": [
    "Received: from (2603:10b6:301:79::11) by with HTTPS; Mon, 16 May 2022 12:18:44 +0000",
    "Received: from (2603:10b6:408:4c::46) by (2603:10b6:301:79::11) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5250.14; Mon, 16 May 2022 12:18:43 +0000",
    "X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 09b6e7dd-02b9-4034-84f4-c71214e59109",
    "X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous",
    "X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Internet",
    "X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: MWHPR0401MB3548",
    "X-MS-Exchange-Transport-EndToEndLatency: 00:00:02.3478748",
    "X-MS-Exchange-Processed-By-BccFoldering: 15.20.5250.018",
    "X-Microsoft-Antispam-Mailbox-Delivery: ucf:0;jmr:0;auth:0;dest:I;ENG:(910001)(944506458)(944626604)(920097)(930097);",
    "X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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"
  "headers_dict": {
    "Authentication-Results": "spf=pass (sender IP is; dkim=pass (signature was verified);dmarc=bestguesspass action=none;compauth=pass reason=109",
    "Content-Type": "multipart/mixed",
    "DKIM-Signature": "v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112;        h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to;        bh=IBztBsEpR3QApNW6piOosLTQhZjOMG7WYJIqqcmVG0M=;        b=rpKk50J28MpaBzgZTp4kkBFhv6p1BFbHEc02xufkvM/JS+dX0mzRfS0ozdPcFOI6n7         x/ZaQ0WHlPNN9WG/OveWuVyPaqE94VTtcxnquJZMNohJnk7L01hjsE3bHOFgJCAKxYUG         DgMBmKyE7vq9TCTGSJzk5CjDoSH0OyEDy2/LHBWlt7sb/t9YlJpyb9PDCSYvqgYrhKV8         bDvA0JKu4MEIQuC4ylBgd20TsJVPFFxRvWHaCHa+l2vM8/2N8bzy/+gb0AQ9tQdjHo4h         BZdcfVBE719UucftBRAfYzYRDWJWeE8ranS1Js1PYauod+wXUpUeVp5DQqK86tlaRXQe         3c+A==",
    "Date": "Mon, 16 May 2022 17:48:28 +0530",
    "From": "\"Indrajeet Sah\" <>",
    "MIME-Version": "1.0",
    "X-Received": "by 2002:a2e:b5d4:0:b0:250:82fd:129f with SMTP id g20-20020a2eb5d4000000b0025082fd129fmr11004768ljn.467.1652703520262; Mon, 16 May 2022 05:18:40 -0700 (PDT)"
  "is_read": false,
  "lhub_ts": "1652706734000",
  "msgid": "<>",
  "recipients": [
  "sender": "",
  "subject": "Test Email with multiple attachments",
  "urls": [],
  "urls_all": [],
  "urls_probable": []

Revoke Sign-in Sessions

Invalidates all the refresh tokens issued to applications for a user (as well as session cookies in a user's browser), by resetting the signInSessionsValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time.
Permission Required(Application): User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required


JSON containing the following items:


Update User

Update the properties of a user object. Not all properties can be updated by Member or Guest users with their default permissions without Administrator roles.

Permission Required(Application): User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
User ObjectJinja-templated JSON containing the user object. Example: '{"businessPhones": "User's principal n, "officeLocation": "18/2111"}'Required


JSON containing the following items:

   "msg":"Successfully updated.",

List Password Methods

Retrieve a list of the passwords registered to a user, represented by a passwordAuthenticationMethod object. This will return exactly one object, as a user can have exactly one password. For security, the password itself will never be returned in the object and the password property is always null.

Permission Required(Application): User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
LimitJinja-templated number containing the limit of the no. of results. Default is 1000Optional


JSON containing the following items:

    "value": [
            "id": "28c10230-6103-485e-b985-444c60001490",
            "password": null,
            "createdDateTime": null

Get Password Method

Retrieve a password that's registered to a user, represented by a passwordAuthenticationMethod object. For security, the password itself will never be returned in the object and the password property is always null.

Permission Required(Application): User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Password Method IdJinja-templated text containing the password method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "id": "28c10230-6103-485e-b985-444c60001490",
  "password": null,
  "creationDateTime": null,

List Phone Methods

Retrieve a list of phone authentication method objects for a user. This will return up to three objects, as a user can have up to three phones usable for authentication. This method is available only for standard Azure AD and B2B users, but not B2C users.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
LimitJinja-templated number containing the limit of the no. of results. Default is 1000Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "value": [
      "phoneNumber": "+1 2065555555",
      "phoneType": "mobile",
      "smsSignInState": "ready",
      "id": "3179e48a-750b-4051-897c-87b9720928f7"
      "phoneNumber": "+1 2065555556",
      "phoneType": "alternateMobile",
      "smsSignInState": "notSupported",
      "id": "b6332ec1-7057-4abe-9331-3d72feddfe41"
      "phoneNumber": "+1 2065555557",
      "phoneType": "office",
      "smsSignInState": "notSupported",
      "id": "e37fc753-ff3b-4958-9484-eaa9425c82bc"

Get Phone Method

Retrieve a single phoneAuthenticationMethod object for a user. This method is available only for standard Azure AD and B2B users, but not B2C users.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Phone Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "phoneNumber": "+1 2065555555",
  "phoneType": "mobile",
  "smsSignInState": "ready",
  "id": "3179e48a-750b-4051-897c-87b9720928f7",

Delete Phone Method

Delete a user's phone authentication method. This removes the phone number from the user and they will no longer be able to use the number for authentication, whether via SMS or voice calls.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Phone Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully deleted.",

Update Phone Method

Update a user's phone number associated with a phone authentication method object.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Phone Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone method Id.Required
Phone NumberJinja-templated text containing the phone number. The phone number to text or call for authentication. Phone numbers use the format +{country code} {number}x{extension}, with extension optional. For example, '+1 5555551234' or '+1 5555551234x123' are valid. Numbers are rejected when creating or updating if they do not match the required format.Required
Phone TypeJinja-templated text containing the phone type. Possible values are: mobile, alternateMobile, and office.Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully updated.",

Add Phone Method

Update a user's phone number associated with a phone authentication method object.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Phone NumberJinja-templated text containing the phone number. The phone number to text or call for authentication. Phone numbers use the format +{country code} {number}x{extension}, with extension optional. For example, '+1 5555551234' or '+1 5555551234x123' are valid. Numbers are rejected when creating or updating if they do not match the required format.Required
Phone TypeJinja-templated text containing the phone type. Possible values are: mobile, alternateMobile, and office.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "phoneNumber": "+1 2065555555",
  "phoneType": "phoneType-value",
  "smsSignInState": "ready",
  "id": "3179e48a-750b-4051-897c-87b9720928f7",

Enable SMS Sign-in

Enable SMS sign-in for an existing mobile phone number registered to a user.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Phone Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully updated.",

Disable SMS Sign-in

Disable SMS sign-in for an existing mobile phone number registered to a user. The number will no longer be available for SMS sign-in, which can prevent your user from signing in.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Phone Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully updated.",

List Microsoft Authenticator Methods

Get a list of the microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod objects and their properties.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
LimitJinja-templated number containing the limit of the no. of results. Default is 1000Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "value": [
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod",
      "id": "6803c096-c096-6803-96c0-036896c00368",
      "displayName": "Sandeep's iPhone",
      "deviceTag": "",
      "phoneAppVersion": "6.5.4",
      "createdDateTime": "2020-12-03T23:16:12Z"

Get Microsoft Authenticator Method

Read the properties and relationships of a microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod object.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All, UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "value": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod",
    "id": "6803c096-c096-6803-96c0-036896c00368",
    "displayName": "Sandeep's iPhone",
    "deviceTag": "",
    "phoneAppVersion": "6.5.4",
    "createdDateTime": "2020-12-03T23:16:12Z"

Delete Microsoft Authenticator Method

Deletes a microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod object.

Permission Required(Application): UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully deleted.",

List FIDO2 Authentication Method

Retrieve a list of a user's FIDO2 Security Key Authentication Method objects and their properties.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
LimitJinja-templated number containing the limit of the no. of results. (Default is 1000)Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "value": [
      "id": "-2_GRUg2-HYz6_1YG4YRAQ2",
      "displayName": "Red key",
      "creationDateTime": "2020-08-10T06:44:09Z",
      "aaGuid": "2fc0579f-8113-47ea-b116-555a8db9202a",
      "model": "NFC key",
      "attestationCertificates": [
      "attestationLevel": "attested"
      "id": "_jpuR-TGZgk6aQCLF3BQjA2",
      "displayName": "Blue key",
      "creationDateTime": "2020-08-10T06:25:38Z",
      "aaGuid": "c5ef55ff-ad9a-4b9f-b580-ababafe026d0",
      "model": "USB key",
      "attestationCertificates": [
      "attestationLevel": "attested"

Get FIDO2 Authentication Method

Read the properties and relationships of a fido2AuthenticationMethod object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "id": "-2_GRUg2-HYz6_1YG4YRAQ2",
  "displayName": "Red key",
  "creationDateTime": "2020-08-10T06:44:09Z",
  "aaGuid": "2fc0579f-8113-47ea-b116-555a8db9202a",
  "model": "NFC key",
  "attestationCertificates": [
  "attestationLevel": "attested",

Delete FIDO2 Authenticator Method

Deletes a fido2AuthenticationMethod object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully deleted.",

List Software OATH Authentication Method

Retrieve a list of a user's software OATH token authentication method objects and their properties.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
LimitJinja-templated number containing the limit of the no. of results. (Default is 1000)Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "value": [
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.softwareOathAuthenticationMethod",
      "id": "b172893e-893e-b172-3e89-72b13e8972b1",
      "secretKey": null

Get Software OATH Authentication Method

Retrieve a user's single Software OATH token authentication method object and its properties.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.softwareOathAuthenticationMethod",
  "id": "b172893e-893e-b172-3e89-72b13e8972b1",
  "secretKey": null,

Delete Software OATH Authentication Method

Delete a user's Software OATH token authentication method object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully deleted.",

List Windows Hello for Business Authentication Method

Get a list of the windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod objects and their properties.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
LimitJinja-templated number containing the limit of the no. of results. (Default is 1000)Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "value": [
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod",
      "id": "b5e01f81-1f81-b5e0-811f-e0b5811fe0b5",
      "displayName": "Jordan's Surface Book",
      "createdDateTime": "2020-11-27T23:12:49Z",
      "keyStrength": "normal"
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod",
      "id": "e6dab818-e68d-433e-89d5-547357870cb2",
      "displayName": "New Surface Duo",
      "createdDateTime": "2020-12-25T02:20:13Z",
      "keyStrength": "normal"

Get Windows Hello for Business Authentication Method

Read the properties and relationships of a windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the phone microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod",
  "id": "b5e01f81-1f81-b5e0-811f-e0b5811fe0b5",
  "displayName": "Jordan's Surface Book",
  "createdDateTime": "2020-11-27T23:12:49Z",
  "keyStrength": "normal",

Delete Windows Hello for Business Authentication Method

Deletes a windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Microsoft Authenticator Method IdJinja-templated text containing the microsoft authenticator method Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "message": "Successfully deleted.",

Get User Registration Details

Read the properties and relationships of a userRegistrationDetails object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User IdJinja-templated text containing the user Id.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.userRegistrationDetails",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "isAdmin": "Boolean",
  "isMfaCapable": "Boolean",
  "isMfaRegistered": "Boolean",
  "isPasswordlessCapable": "Boolean",
  "isSsprCapable": "Boolean",
  "isSsprEnabled": "Boolean",
  "isSsprRegistered": "Boolean",
  "isSystemPreferredAuthenticationMethodEnabled": "Boolean",
  "lastUpdatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "methodsRegistered": ["String"],
  "systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods": ["String"],
  "userDisplayName": "String",
  "userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication": "String",
  "userPrincipalName": "String",
  "userType": "String",
  "error": null,

Get User Mailbox Settings

Get the user's mailbox settings.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required


JSON containing the following items:

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Me/mailboxSettings",
    "automaticRepliesSetting": {
        "status": "Scheduled",
        "externalAudience": "All",
        "scheduledStartDateTime": {
            "dateTime": "2016-03-14T07:00:00.0000000",
            "timeZone": "UTC"
        "scheduledEndDateTime": {
            "dateTime": "2016-03-28T07:00:00.0000000",
            "timeZone": "UTC"
        "internalReplyMessage": "<html>\n<body>\n<p>I'm at our company's worldwide reunion and will respond to your message as soon as I return.<br>\n</p></body>\n</html>\n",
        "externalReplyMessage": "<html>\n<body>\n<p>I'm at the Contoso worldwide reunion and will respond to your message as soon as I return.<br>\n</p></body>\n</html>\n"
      "displayName":"English (United States)"
        "startTime": "08:00:00.0000000",
        "endTime": "17:00:00.0000000",
            "name":"Pacific Standard Time"
    "userPurpose": {
        "value": "user"
    "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
    "timeFormat": "hh:mm tt",
    "delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions": "sendToDelegateOnly",
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

Reply All

Reply to all the recipients of the provided message.
Permission Required(Application): Mail.Send

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Message's unique identifier (ID)Message's unique identifier (ID).Required
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "date_sent": "2023-12-08 05:54:44 UTC",
  "msg": "E-mail sent successfully",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Create Reply All

Create a draft to reply to the sender and all recipients of a message.
Permission Required(Application): Mail.ReadWrite

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Message's unique identifier (ID)Message's unique identifier (ID).Required
User's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID) Column nameColumn name from parent table containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier (ID).Required


Return a JSON with no error on successful completion.

  "date_sent": "2023-12-08 05:54:44 UTC",
  "msg": "Successfully create a message draft to reply-all to an existing message",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

List Users V2

Retrieve a list of user objects. This action enables use of jinja template. Each row will be separately processed using the input jinja values if provided.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Select QueryJinja-templated text containing the select query. Example 'displayName,givenName'Optional
FilterJinja-templated text containing the filter query to filter properties (Default is no filter). Example startswith(displayName,'a')Optional


Return a list of JSON objects, each of which represents a user.


Add Attachments

Add an attachment to a message.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated string containing user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_id}}Required
Message's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the Message's unique identifier(id). Example: {{message_id}}Required
Attachment object.Jinja-templated JSON containing attachment object. Example: {"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment","contentBytes":"valid base64 encoded file content", "name":"name.jpg"}Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "name": "ATT00001.jpg",
  "size": 2331,
  "contentBytes": "/9j/U3Cof//Z",
  "isInline": true,
  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
  "has_error": false,
  "id": "id",
  "contentType": "image/jpeg",
  "error": null,
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#users/messages/attachments/$entity",
  "contentId": "content",
  "@odata.mediaContentType": "image/jpeg",
  "contentLocation": null,
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-06-06T06:24:44Z"

Send Draft

Send an existing draft message.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated string containing user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_id}}Required
Message's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the Message's unique identifier(id). Example: {{message_id}}Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "date_sent": "2024-06-06T06:24:44Z",
  "msg": "Successfully send a message draft."

List Message Rule

List message rule that applies to messages in the inbox of a user.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
        "displayName":"Remove spam",
            "enter to win"
        "displayName":"From partner",
                "name":"Alex Wilbur",

Get Message Rule

Get the properties and relationships of a message rule object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Message Rule IdJinja-templated text containing the message rule IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "displayName":"From partner",
            "name":"Alex Wilbur",

Create Message Rule

Create a messageRule object by specifying a set of conditions and actions.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Message Rule NameJinja-templated text containing the display name of the ruleRequired
Message Rule ActionJinja-templated text containing the actions to be taken on a message when the corresponding conditions, if any, are fulfilled.Required
Message Rule SequenceJinja-templated text containing the sequence indicating the order in which the rule is executed, among other rules.Required
Message Rule EnabledIndicates whether the rule is enabled to be applied to messages. Default NoOptional
Message Rule ExceptionJinja-templated text containing the exception conditions for the rule.Optional
Message Rule ConditionsJinja-templated text containing the conditions that when fulfilled, will trigger the corresponding actions for that rule.Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "displayName": "From partner",
    "sequence": 2,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "conditions": {
        "senderContains": [
     "actions": {
        "forwardTo": [
             "emailAddress": {
                "name": "Alex Wilbur",
                "address": ""
        "stopProcessingRules": true

Update Message Rule

Change writable properties on a messageRule object and save the changes.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Message Rule IdJinja-templated text containing the message rule IdRequired
Message Rule NameJinja-templated text containing the display name of the ruleOptional
Message Rule ActionJinja-templated text containing the actions to be taken on a message when the corresponding conditions, if any, are fulfilled.Optional
Message Rule SequenceJinja-templated text containing the sequence indicating the order in which the rule is executed, among other rules.Optional
Message Rule EnabledIndicates whether the rule is enabled to be applied to messages. Default YesOptional
Message Rule ExceptionJinja-templated text containing the exception conditions for the rule.Optional
Message Rule ConditionsJinja-templated text containing the conditions that when fulfilled, will trigger the corresponding actions for that rule.Optional


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
    "displayName":"Important from partner",
      "markImportance": "high"

Delete Message Rule

Delete the specified message rule object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id). Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Message Rule IdJinja-templated text containing the message rule IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "msg": "Successfully deleted the message rule."

List Devices

Retrieve a list of device objects registered in the organization.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Query FilterJinja-templated text containing the OData query filter. If no filter is provided top 100 rows will be returnedOptional


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "value": [
        "Model":"Pixel 3a",
        "Model":"Pixel 3a",

Get Device

Get the properties and relationships of a device object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Device IdJinja-templated text containing the device IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
        "Model":"Pixel 3a",

List Registered Owners of Device

Retrieve a list of users that are registered owners of the device. A registered owner is the user that cloud joined the device or registered their personal device. The registered owner is set at the time of registration. Currently, there can be only one owner.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Device IdJinja-templated text containing the device IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#directoryObjects",
    "value": [
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
            "": "",
            "id": "96a5df40-617b-4450-8b7a-1dc18b872d8f"

List Registered Users of Device

Retrieve a list of users that are registered users of the device.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Device IdJinja-templated text containing the device IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#directoryObjects",
    "value": [
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
            "": "",
            "id": "96a5df40-617b-4450-8b7a-1dc18b872d8f",
            "displayName": "Alex Wilber",
            "mail": "",
            "mailNickname": ""

List Alert

Get a list of alert resources created to track suspicious activities in an organization.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Query FilterJinja-templated text containing the OData query filterOptional


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "value": [
      "@odata.type": "",
      "id": "da637551227677560813_-961444813",
      "providerAlertId": "da637551227677560813_-961444813",
      "incidentId": "28282",
      "status": "new",
      "severity": "low",
      "classification": "unknown",
      "determination": "unknown",
      "serviceSource": "microsoftDefenderForEndpoint",
      "detectionSource": "antivirus",
      "detectorId": "e0da400f-affd-43ef-b1d5-afc2eb6f2756",
      "tenantId": "b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
      "title": "Suspicious execution of hidden file",
      "description": "A hidden file has been launched. This activity could indicate a compromised host. Attackers often hide files associated with malicious tools to evade file system inspection and defenses.",
      "recommendedActions": "Collect artifacts and determine scope\n�\tReview the machine timeline for suspicious activities that may have occurred before and after the time of the alert, and record additional related artifacts (files, IPs/URLs) \n�\tLook for the presence of relevant artifacts on other systems. Identify commonalities and differences between potentially compromised systems.\n�\tSubmit relevant files for deep analysis and review resulting detailed behavioral information.\n�\tSubmit undetected files to the MMPC malware portal\n\nInitiate containment & mitigation \n�\tContact the user to verify intent and initiate local remediation actions as needed.\n�\tUpdate AV signatures and run a full scan. The scan might reveal and remove previously-undetected malware components.\n�\tEnsure that the machine has the latest security updates. In particular, ensure that you have installed the latest software, web browser, and Operating System versions.\n�\tIf credential theft is suspected, reset all relevant users passwords.\n�\tBlock communication with relevant URLs or IPs at the organization�s perimeter.",
      "category": "DefenseEvasion",
      "assignedTo": null,
      "alertWebUrl": "",
      "incidentWebUrl": "",
      "actorDisplayName": null,
      "threatDisplayName": null,
      "threatFamilyName": null,
      "mitreTechniques": [
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "lastUpdateDateTime": "2021-05-02T14:19:01.3266667Z",
      "resolvedDateTime": null,
      "firstActivityDateTime": "2021-04-26T07:45:50.116Z",
      "lastActivityDateTime": "2021-05-02T07:56:58.222Z",
      "comments": [],
      "evidence": [
          "@odata.type": "",
          "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
          "verdict": "unknown",
          "remediationStatus": "none",
          "remediationStatusDetails": null,
          "firstSeenDateTime": "2020-09-12T07:28:32.4321753Z",
          "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
          "azureAdDeviceId": null,
          "deviceDnsName": "tempDns",
          "osPlatform": "Windows10",
          "osBuild": 22424,
          "version": "Other",
          "healthStatus": "active",
          "riskScore": "medium",
          "rbacGroupId": 75,
          "rbacGroupName": "UnassignedGroup",
          "onboardingStatus": "onboarded",
          "defenderAvStatus": "unknown",
          "ipInterfaces": [
          "loggedOnUsers": [],
          "roles": [
          "detailedRoles": [
            "Main device"
          "tags": [
            "Test Machine"
          "vmMetadata": {
            "vmId": "ca1b0d41-5a3b-4d95-b48b-f220aed11d78",
            "cloudProvider": "azure",
            "resourceId": "/subscriptions/8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161/resourceGroups/WdatpApi-EUS-STG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/NirLaviTests",
            "subscriptionId": "8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161"
          "@odata.type": "",
          "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
          "verdict": "unknown",
          "remediationStatus": "none",
          "remediationStatusDetails": null,
          "detectionStatus": "detected",
          "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
          "roles": [],
          "detailedRoles": [
            "Referred in command line"
          "tags": [],
          "fileDetails": {
            "sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
            "sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
            "fileName": "MsSense.exe",
            "filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
            "fileSize": 6136392,
            "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
            "signer": null,
            "issuer": null
          "@odata.type": "",
          "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
          "verdict": "unknown",
          "remediationStatus": "none",
          "remediationStatusDetails": null,
          "processId": 4780,
          "parentProcessId": 668,
          "processCommandLine": "\"MsSense.exe\"",
          "processCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T12:43:19.0772577Z",
          "parentProcessCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T07:39:09.0909239Z",
          "detectionStatus": "detected",
          "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
          "roles": [],
          "detailedRoles": [],
          "tags": [],
          "imageFile": {
            "sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
            "sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
            "fileName": "MsSense.exe",
            "filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
            "fileSize": 6136392,
            "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
            "signer": null,
            "issuer": null
          "parentProcessImageFile": {
            "sha1": null,
            "sha256": null,
            "fileName": "services.exe",
            "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
            "fileSize": 731744,
            "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
            "signer": null,
            "issuer": null
          "userAccount": {
            "accountName": "SYSTEM",
            "domainName": "NT AUTHORITY",
            "userSid": "S-1-5-18",
            "azureAdUserId": null,
            "userPrincipalName": null,
            "displayName": "System"
          "@odata.type": "",
          "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
          "verdict": "unknown",
          "remediationStatus": "none",
          "remediationStatusDetails": null,
          "registryHive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
          "roles": [],
          "detailedRoles": [],
          "tags": []
        "systemTags" : [
            "Defender Experts"

Get Alert

Get the properties and relationships of an alert object.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Alert IdJinja-templated text containing the alert IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
  "@odata.type": "",
  "id": "da637578995287051192_756343937",
  "providerAlertId": "da637578995287051192_756343937",
  "incidentId": "28282",
  "status": "new",
  "severity": "low",
  "classification": "unknown",
  "determination": "unknown",
  "serviceSource": "microsoftDefenderForEndpoint",
  "detectionSource": "antivirus",
  "productName": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
  "detectorId": "e0da400f-affd-43ef-b1d5-afc2eb6f2756",
  "tenantId": "b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
  "title": "Suspicious execution of hidden file",
  "description": "A hidden file has been launched. This activity could indicate a compromised host. Attackers often hide files associated with malicious tools to evade file system inspection and defenses.",
  "recommendedActions": "Collect artifacts and determine scope\n�\tReview the machine timeline for suspicious activities that may have occurred before and after the time of the alert, and record additional related artifacts (files, IPs/URLs) \n�\tLook for the presence of relevant artifacts on other systems. Identify commonalities and differences between potentially compromised systems.\n�\tSubmit relevant files for deep analysis and review resulting detailed behavioral information.\n�\tSubmit undetected files to the MMPC malware portal\n\nInitiate containment & mitigation \n�\tContact the user to verify intent and initiate local remediation actions as needed.\n�\tUpdate AV signatures and run a full scan. The scan might reveal and remove previously-undetected malware components.\n�\tEnsure that the machine has the latest security updates. In particular, ensure that you have installed the latest software, web browser, and Operating System versions.\n�\tIf credential theft is suspected, reset all relevant users passwords.\n�\tBlock communication with relevant URLs or IPs at the organization�s perimeter.",
  "category": "DefenseEvasion",
  "assignedTo": null,
  "alertWebUrl": "",
  "incidentWebUrl": "",
  "actorDisplayName": null,
  "threatDisplayName": null,
  "threatFamilyName": null,
  "mitreTechniques": [
  "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
  "lastUpdateDateTime": "2021-05-02T14:19:01.3266667Z",
  "resolvedDateTime": null,
  "firstActivityDateTime": "2021-04-26T07:45:50.116Z",
  "lastActivityDateTime": "2021-05-02T07:56:58.222Z",
  "comments": [],
  "evidence": [
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "firstSeenDateTime": "2020-09-12T07:28:32.4321753Z",
      "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
      "azureAdDeviceId": null,
      "deviceDnsName": "tempDns",
      "osPlatform": "Windows10",
      "osBuild": 22424,
      "version": "Other",
      "healthStatus": "active",
      "riskScore": "medium",
      "rbacGroupId": 75,
      "rbacGroupName": "UnassignedGroup",
      "onboardingStatus": "onboarded",
      "defenderAvStatus": "unknown",
      "ipInterfaces": [
      "loggedOnUsers": [],
      "roles": [
      "detailedRoles": [
        "Main device"
      "tags": [
        "Test Machine"
      "vmMetadata": {
        "vmId": "ca1b0d41-5a3b-4d95-b48b-f220aed11d78",
        "cloudProvider": "azure",
        "resourceId": "/subscriptions/8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161/resourceGroups/WdatpApi-EUS-STG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/NirLaviTests",
        "subscriptionId": "8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161"
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "detectionStatus": "detected",
      "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
      "roles": [],
      "detailedRoles": [
        "Referred in command line"
      "tags": [],
      "fileDetails": {
        "sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
        "sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
        "fileName": "MsSense.exe",
        "filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
        "fileSize": 6136392,
        "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "signer": null,
        "issuer": null
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "processId": 4780,
      "parentProcessId": 668,
      "processCommandLine": "\"MsSense.exe\"",
      "processCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T12:43:19.0772577Z",
      "parentProcessCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T07:39:09.0909239Z",
      "detectionStatus": "detected",
      "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
      "roles": [],
      "detailedRoles": [],
      "tags": [],
      "imageFile": {
        "sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
        "sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
        "fileName": "MsSense.exe",
        "filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
        "fileSize": 6136392,
        "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "signer": null,
        "issuer": null
      "parentProcessImageFile": {
        "sha1": null,
        "sha256": null,
        "fileName": "services.exe",
        "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
        "fileSize": 731744,
        "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "signer": null,
        "issuer": null
      "userAccount": {
        "accountName": "SYSTEM",
        "domainName": "NT AUTHORITY",
        "userSid": "S-1-5-18",
        "azureAdUserId": null,
        "userPrincipalName": null,
        "displayName": "System"
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "registryHive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
      "roles": [],
      "detailedRoles": [],
      "tags": []
	"systemTags" : [
        "Defender Experts"
  "additionalData": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

Create Comment for Alert

Create a comment for an existing alert based on the specified alert id property.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Alert IdJinja-templated text containing the alert IdRequired
CommentJinja-templated text containing the commentRequired


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#security/alerts_v2('da637865765418431569_-773071023')/comments",
    "value": [
            "comment": "test",
            "createdByDisplayName": "",
            "createdDateTime": "2022-10-13T07:08:30.1606766Z"
            "comment": "Demo for docs",
            "createdByDisplayName": "",
            "createdDateTime": "2022-10-13T07:08:40.3825324Z"

Update Alert

Update the properties of an alert object in an organization based on the specified alert id property.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Alert IdJinja-templated text containing the alert IdRequired
AssigneeJinja-templated text containing the assignee for alert. Owner of the incident, or null if no owner is assigned.Optional
StatusJinja-templated text containing the status of alert. Possible values are: new, inProgress, resolved, unknownFutureValue.Optional
ClassificationJinja-templated text containing the classification of alert. Possible values are: unknown, falsePositive, truePositive, informationalExpectedActivity, unknownFutureValue.Optional
DeterminationJinja-templated text containing the determination of alert. Possible values are: unknown, apt, malware, securityPersonnel, securityTesting, unwantedSoftware, other, multiStagedAttack, compromisedUser, phishing, maliciousUserActivity, clean, insufficientData, confirmedUserActivity, lineOfBusinessApplication, unknownFutureValueOptional


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
  "@odata.type": "",
  "id": "da637578995287051192_756343937",
  "providerAlertId": "da637578995287051192_756343937",
  "incidentId": "28282",
  "status": "new",
  "severity": "low",
  "classification": "unknown",
  "determination": "unknown",
  "serviceSource": "microsoftDefenderForEndpoint",
  "detectionSource": "antivirus",
  "productName": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
  "detectorId": "e0da400f-affd-43ef-b1d5-afc2eb6f2756",
  "tenantId": "b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
  "title": "Suspicious execution of hidden file",
  "description": "A hidden file has been launched. This activity could indicate a compromised host. Attackers often hide files associated with malicious tools to evade file system inspection and defenses.",
  "recommendedActions": "Collect artifacts and determine scope\n�\tReview the machine timeline for suspicious activities that may have occurred before and after the time of the alert, and record additional related artifacts (files, IPs/URLs) \n�\tLook for the presence of relevant artifacts on other systems. Identify commonalities and differences between potentially compromised systems.\n�\tSubmit relevant files for deep analysis and review resulting detailed behavioral information.\n�\tSubmit undetected files to the MMPC malware portal\n\nInitiate containment & mitigation \n�\tContact the user to verify intent and initiate local remediation actions as needed.\n�\tUpdate AV signatures and run a full scan. The scan might reveal and remove previously-undetected malware components.\n�\tEnsure that the machine has the latest security updates. In particular, ensure that you have installed the latest software, web browser, and Operating System versions.\n�\tIf credential theft is suspected, reset all relevant users passwords.\n�\tBlock communication with relevant URLs or IPs at the organization�s perimeter.",
  "category": "DefenseEvasion",
  "assignedTo": null,
  "alertWebUrl": "",
  "incidentWebUrl": "",
  "actorDisplayName": null,
  "threatDisplayName": null,
  "threatFamilyName": null,
  "mitreTechniques": [
  "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
  "lastUpdateDateTime": "2021-05-02T14:19:01.3266667Z",
  "resolvedDateTime": null,
  "firstActivityDateTime": "2021-04-26T07:45:50.116Z",
  "lastActivityDateTime": "2021-05-02T07:56:58.222Z",
  "comments": [],
  "evidence": [
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "firstSeenDateTime": "2020-09-12T07:28:32.4321753Z",
      "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
      "azureAdDeviceId": null,
      "deviceDnsName": "tempDns",
      "osPlatform": "Windows10",
      "osBuild": 22424,
      "version": "Other",
      "healthStatus": "active",
      "riskScore": "medium",
      "rbacGroupId": 75,
      "rbacGroupName": "UnassignedGroup",
      "onboardingStatus": "onboarded",
      "defenderAvStatus": "unknown",
      "ipInterfaces": [
      "loggedOnUsers": [],
      "roles": [
      "detailedRoles": [
        "Main device"
      "tags": [
        "Test Machine"
      "vmMetadata": {
        "vmId": "ca1b0d41-5a3b-4d95-b48b-f220aed11d78",
        "cloudProvider": "azure",
        "resourceId": "/subscriptions/8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161/resourceGroups/WdatpApi-EUS-STG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/NirLaviTests",
        "subscriptionId": "8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161"
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "detectionStatus": "detected",
      "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
      "roles": [],
      "detailedRoles": [
        "Referred in command line"
      "tags": [],
      "fileDetails": {
        "sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
        "sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
        "fileName": "MsSense.exe",
        "filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
        "fileSize": 6136392,
        "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "signer": null,
        "issuer": null
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "processId": 4780,
      "parentProcessId": 668,
      "processCommandLine": "\"MsSense.exe\"",
      "processCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T12:43:19.0772577Z",
      "parentProcessCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T07:39:09.0909239Z",
      "detectionStatus": "detected",
      "mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
      "roles": [],
      "detailedRoles": [],
      "tags": [],
      "imageFile": {
        "sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
        "sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
        "fileName": "MsSense.exe",
        "filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
        "fileSize": 6136392,
        "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "signer": null,
        "issuer": null
      "parentProcessImageFile": {
        "sha1": null,
        "sha256": null,
        "fileName": "services.exe",
        "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
        "fileSize": 731744,
        "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "signer": null,
        "issuer": null
      "userAccount": {
        "accountName": "SYSTEM",
        "domainName": "NT AUTHORITY",
        "userSid": "S-1-5-18",
        "azureAdUserId": null,
        "userPrincipalName": null,
        "displayName": "System"
      "@odata.type": "",
      "createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
      "verdict": "unknown",
      "remediationStatus": "none",
      "remediationStatusDetails": null,
      "registryHive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
      "roles": [],
      "detailedRoles": [],
      "tags": []
	"systemTags" : [
        "Defender Experts"
  "additionalData": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

Search for Drive Items

Search the hierarchy of items for items matching a query.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Site HostnameJinja-templated text containing the site hostname. Example abc.sharepoint.comRequired
Site NameJinja-templated text containing the site name. Example Devo-Sample-IncidentResponseRequired
File NameJinja-templated text containing the file name.Required


JSON containing the following items:

  "has_error": false,
	"error": null,
  "result": {
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(driveItem)",
    "value": [
            "@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "",
            "createdBy": {
                "user": {
                    "email": "",
                    "id": "123",
                    "displayName": "SAMPLE"
            "createdDateTime": "2024-02-18T11:31:43Z",
            "eTag": "123",
            "id": "01M",
            "lastModifiedBy": {
                "user": {
                    "email": "",
                    "id": "123",
                    "displayName": "SAMPLE"
            "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-09-18T11:33:56Z",
            "name": "filename.csv",
            "parentReference": {
                "driveType": "documentLibrary",
                "driveId": "driveId",
                "id": "id",
                "name": "Documents",
                "path": "/drives/driveId/root:",
                "siteId": "steId"
            "webUrl": "URL",
            "cTag": "ctag",
            "file": {
                "hashes": {
                    "quickXorHash": "hash"
                "mimeType": "application"
            "fileSystemInfo": {
                "createdDateTime": "2024-09-18T11:31:43Z",
                "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-09-18T11:33:56Z"
            "shared": {
                "scope": "users"
            "size": 5005

List Group Members

List all members in group.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Group IdJinja-templated text containing the group IdRequired


JSON containing the following items:

"result": {
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#directoryObjects",
  "value": [
      "id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
      "mail": ""
"error": null,

Add Group Member

Add member in group.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Group IdJinja-templated text containing the group IdRequired
Member IdJinja-templated text containing the member Id from directory objectsRequired


JSON containing the following items:

"result": {
  "message": "Successfully Added the member to group."
"error": null,

Remove Group Members

Remove member from group.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Group IdJinja-templated text containing the group IdRequired
Member IdJinja-templated text containing the member Id from directory objectsRequired


JSON containing the following items:

"result": {
  "message": "Successfully Removed the member from group."
"error": null,

Create Message

Create a draft of a new message.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
User's principal name or user's unique identifier(id)Jinja-templated text containing the user's principal name or user's unique identifier(id) whom you want to update. Example: {{user_principal_name}}Required
Mail BodyJinja templated JSON containing the mail body in form of graph's message resource type. Example {"subject":"Did you see last night's game?","importance":"Low","body":{"contentType":"HTML","content":"They were awesome!"},"toRecipients":[{"emailAddress":{"address":""}}]}Required


JSON containing the following items:

"result": {

    "subject":"Did you see last night's game?",
    "bodyPreview":"They were awesome!",
        "content":"<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\r\n<meta content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\">\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\nThey were <b>awesome</b>!\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
                "name":"Adele Vance",



"error": null,

Release Notes

  • v3.13.0- Added new actions : List Group Members, Add Group Member, Remove Group Members and Create Message
  • v3.11.4- Bug fix for python3 compatible issue at connection level
  • v3.11.1- Added new action Search for Drive Items
  • v3.11.0- Added 4 new actions List Alerts, Get Alert, Create Comment for Alert and Update Alert
  • v3.10.1- Added 9 new actions List Message Rule, Get Message Rule, Create Message Rule, Update Message Rule, Delete Message Rule, List Devices, Get Device, List Register Owner of Device and List Register Users of Device
  • v3.8.1- Added optional params of body in action Create reply all.
  • v3.8.0- Added new action Send Draft.
  • v3.7.1- Added new action Add attachment.
  • v3.6.5 - Added new action List users V2 with jinja support.
  • v3.6.4 - Bug Fix for filter functionality in List users action.
  • v3.6.2 - Added 2 new actions: Reply All and Create Reply All
  • v3.5.1 - Added Select Query field in 2 actions: List Users and Get User
  • v3.4.0 - Added 2 new actions: Get User Registration Details and Get User Mailbox Settings
  • v3.3.1 - Added 21 new actions: List Password Methods, Get Password Method, List Phone Methods, Get Phone Method, Delete Phone Method, Update Phone Method, Add Phone Method, Enable SMS Sign-in, Disable SMS Sign-in, List Microsoft Authenticator Methods, Get Microsoft Authenticator Method, Delete Microsoft Authenticator Method, List FIDO2 Authentication Method, Get FIDO2 Authentication Method, Delete FIDO2 Authenticator Method, List Software OATH Authentication Method, Get Software OATH Authentication Method, Delete Software OATH Authentication Method, List Windows Hello for Business Authentication Method, Get Windows Hello for Business Authentication Method and Delete Windows Hello for Business Authentication Method.
  • v3.2.3 - Bug fix - List User action not working.
  • v3.1.1 - Bug fix in List Message action: Limited Mailbox Folder listing.
  • v3.1.0 - Added 1 new action: Update User.
  • v3.0.0 - Updated architecture to support IO via filesystem
  • v2.2.0 - Added 1 new action : Revoke Sign-in Sessions.
  • v2.1.0 - Added BCC optional field in Send Message action and bug fix for unusual behaviour of OData queries in List Message action.
  • v2.0.4 - Bug fix - Download Attachment if ContentBytes is not present in the attachment for List Messages action.
  • v1.5.7 - Bug fix - support of nested folders in Move Message and List Messages action.
  • v1.5.6 - Bug fix - encoding issue in mail's header.
  • v1.5.5 - Bug fix - handled case for not returning file id for some type of attachments.
  • v1.5.4 - Added 3 actions: Send Message, List Messages and Move Message, deprecated old List Messages action.

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