
This operator converts JSON object to the table.

jsonToTable operator takes the JSON array from the first row of input and converts it to a table.

Operator Usage in Easy Mode

  1. Click + on the parent node.
  2. Enter the JSON to Table operator in the search field and select the operator from the Results to open the operator form.
  3. In the Table drop-down, enter or select the table containing the data to run this operator on.
  4. In the Column field, enter the name of the column to convert a JSON object to the table.
  5. Click Run to view the result.
  6. Click Save to add the operator to the playbook.
  7. Click Cancel to discard the operator form.

Usage Details

jsonToTable(table, "column")

table (TableReference): The table to which the operator is applied.
column (String): xpath to array of json object, e.g. column.data.users where column is column name, .data.users is a path to array of json ([{..}, {..}, {..}] format)

A table that converts the values in the JSON file to a table.


Table: A
column: json.flows

  "flows": [
       "name": "Playbook_0703",
       "nodes": 123 
       "name": "Playbook_0704",
       "nodes": 456

jsonToTable(A, "json.flows")


This table represents the conversion of the JSON to table format.


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